Tuesday, October 25, 2011

a new home in Ventura...

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We've never lived so close to the beach, and we're enjoying every second of it.
I also just downloaded a fun photo collage software to play with!
Thinking of our new home reminds me of our old home in Portland.... so here is another collage for you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

handmade bird costume for halloween....

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Nothing like waiting till the last minute to make a halloween costume!  Tomorrow night is the first halloween event which means I had  better get my act together for my three year olds bird costume.  I've had my eye on this idea for quite some time now.... posted by handmade charlotte.  I had plenty of leftover fabrics to make this one work!  I added a little skirt with a few rows of feathers to complete this little pink bird. I'm more excited than she is I'm sure, but it was a fun way to spend the morning.  

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

lunch bag... perfect for a bento lunch box

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I'm taking this making lunch thing to the next level... bento.  That's right, I'm completely sucked in and my first grader is loving it!  Cute little flower shaped cheese cutouts, little flower sandwiches, lunch meat kabobs.... it's on.  I found this awesome tutorial from pink penguin for a lunch bag which is exactly the size I needed for the little bento boxes I picked up the other day.

Check out this flickr pool for other projects done with pink penguin's tutorials!  Pretty great stuff. 

Some fabric I had left over from summer clothes a few years ago came in handy for this project.  There really isn't that much fabric needed. 

I love the little cover on top of the bag.  That way it looks cute, and keeps things from falling out!

What's inside... one of these cute sistema boxes (the size I got is on the top right).  Looks like Martha Stewart is teaming up with this company.  I found them at macy's in the Martha Stewart collection which means they are a beautiful blue color and hopefully excellent quality.  

Bento... I love the fun, and love the fact that I send her to school with absolutely nothing that ends up in the garbage.